Simple cryptography

In the box below, add the text you want to encrypt (or decrypt),
according to the 4-digit number (PIN) you will add.

[Caution! The text can contain only lowercase latin letters,
numbers and all the classic keyboard symbols]

The text contains a non-Latin letter
or unsupported symbol.
It will be decrypted as '∅'.

Your encrypted (or decrypted) text will appear here.


Help guide:
First add the text you want to encrypt in the large box, enter a four-digit number (PIN) of your choice and press the red button (CRYPT).
Then to decrypt it, add the encrypted text to the large box, type the PIN (of previous step) and press the red button to decrypt it (DECRYPT).

So you can send the encrypted text, which can only be decrypted by whoever has the PIN, into this application page.

This website has no access to the texts to be encrypted or any of your texts.

Encryption is not very strong, do not use it for highly confidential texts.

The application came after I reading the very nice book called "Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future" by Maccormick John.

The above application is written in JavaScript programming language and designed to be easy to use.

It belongs to the application family Simple & Nice Apps, snapps, with the following facebook page.